Aim-Tti Instruments

Thurlby Thandar Instruments Ltd is one of the foremost producers of general purpose electronic test instruments and laboratory power supplies in Europe, selling products in over fifty countries. Thurlby Thandar instruments Ltd dates from the late 1970s when two companies, Thurlby Electronics Ltd. and Thandar Electronics Ltd (Formerly Sinclair) were both manufacturing electronic test equipment in St. Ives Cambridgeshire, England. Through the 1980s, Thurlby specialized in bench power supplies, high resolution multimeters and digital storage units; whilst Thandar specialized in function generators, frequency counters and logic analysers. In 1989 the two companies were merged into a new organization - Thurlby Thandar Instruments Ltd (AIM-TTI). The product ranges have been expanded and new product areas developed including arbitrary waveform generators, RF test equipment, Current measurement probes, Power Analysers and component bridges. All models are now sold under the Aim-TTi brand.

Product Listing from AIM TTI Instruments

Test Equipment

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