Order Status & Tracking
Find recent order status and tracking information in order status & tracking
If you are registered and logged in, you can view your order status and tracking information (once despatched) from My Account: Order Status & Tracking page.
You can also find the last 13 months of all your previous orders in the Order Status & Tracking, whether you placed the order on the web, by phone, fax or email.
NOTE: Order Status & Tracking may not show recently placed orders until we have finished processing the order. Some delivery methods may not offer tracking.

You can view your most recent orders from the My Account homepage.
Viewing & Changing Orders
Related Links
- Absolutely, you can either call or email us:
- Call customer support: 03447 880088, 08:00-17:00, Monday - Friday.
- Email customer support: sales@cpc.co.uk