Order Status & Tracking

Find recent order status and tracking information in order status & tracking

If you are registered and logged in, you can view your order status and tracking information (once despatched) from My Account: Order Status & Tracking page.

You can also find the last 13 months of all your previous orders in the Order Status & Tracking, whether you placed the order on the web, by phone, fax or email.

NOTE: Order Status & Tracking may not show recently placed orders until we have finished processing the order. Some delivery methods may not offer tracking.

You can view your most recent orders from the My Account homepage.

Viewing & Changing Orders

Q: What is the status of my order?
A: You can see your most recent orders on the Order Status & Delivery Tracking page. There may be times where an order that has just been placed may not immediately appear, sometimes the order may take a few minutes to be validated on our systems.

Related Links

Q:Can I speak to someone about an order I have placed?
    Absolutely, you can either call or email us:
  • Call customer support: 03447 880088, 08:00-17:00, Monday - Friday.
  • Email customer support: sales@cpc.co.uk
Q:What should I do if product is damaged in delivery?
A: Our products are very carefully packed but we do realise that delivery damage may occur in spite of these precautions. If any damage occurs please contact our customer support team on 03447 880088 or email us at sales@cpc.co.uk.
Q:Can I cancel an order?
A:Due to the efficiency of the ordering process, it may not be possible to prevent the delivery of items once an order has been placed, if you call our customer support team on 03447 880088 as soon as possible after the order is placed we will be able to advise if we can catch and cancel the order for you before it is processed.
Q:Can I get a copy of an invoice?
A: If you need a paper copy to be sent, go to the request an invoice form and follow the instructions provided.

Related Links

Q:Why are some items missing from my order?
A: There are many reasons why items may be missing from your order. Please see your Order Status & Delivery Tracking to see the status of missing items. If you still have questions please contact customer support 03447 880088.