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Enter your voucher on the shopping basket page

To ensure your discount is applied, simply follow the steps described below:

  1. Ensure you are logged into the website.
  2. The voucher field is on the shopping basket page at the bottom of the list of your items. Enter your discount voucher code and click the 'Apply Voucher Code' to update your shopping basket. Ensure you are entering it in exactly the same format as provided.
  3. An additional column in the shopping basket will show the price after the voucher has been applied. There is also a section showing a summary of the vouchers that have been applied.
  4. Proceed to checkout.

NOTE: Voucher codes must be applied on the shopping basket page before proceeding to checkout. Vouchers can only be used with the current shopping basket. A saved shopping basket will not save vouchers applied.

Placing Orders

Q: What does it mean when a part is on backorder?
A:Occasionally, demand for certain products can lead to them being temporarily ‘out of stock’. However, if you still want this item we are happy to accept orders and despatch it once stock becomes available.
Q: Can I download or email my shopping basket?
A:Yes. At the bottom of your shopping basket you can select the option to download or Email your shopping basket. Choose a file name and location where you would like it to be saved and the complete shopping basket will be saved as a .csv file. Saved Shopping Baskets.
Q: How do I apply a voucher code to my order?
A: You can enter a voucher code on the shopping basket page. When you have entered a valid voucher code, press the “Apply” button and the shopping basket total should display the updated discounted total.

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Q: Can I save my shopping basket and complete my order later?
A:Yes. In the shopping basket, you can save your basket by entering the name of your choice in the Save shopping basket field, then click “Save shopping basket”. The saved shopping basket is then available in My Account.
Q: What are delivery instructions and order comments?
A:Delivery instructions and order comments let you attach information to your order. They will appear on correspondence regarding your order. As you checkout, the delivery page has a field named “Delivery Notes”, just enter your notes into this field.
Q: How do I receive a quote for a large order?
A:See the Quotes section for more information.
Q: Can I add notes to items in my shopping basket?
A:Yes. In the shopping basket, use the Line Notes field to enter information to help you or your staff. Line notes will appear on your paperwork. Keep in mind that line notes are only for use by you and your company internally.
Q: Do you have volume pricing?
A:See the Quotes section for more information.
Q: Do you offer Saturday delivery?
A:We do offer a Saturday delivery, however this is a paid service and is not available in all areas (cost is £21.99 (ex VAT)). If you want to use this service, simply change your delivery type from standard to Saturday delivery (before noon). The delivery options are shown when you place your order as part of the normal checkout process.
Q: What are your delivery options?
A:Go to the Delivery Information page to view all our delivery options.
Q: Why can I only deliver to a UK address?
A: Due to additional exporting charges and safety or security measures, we must be contacted first (Email: internationalsales@cpc.co.uk) before we can export goods. This will enable us to check if delivery to your region is possible and to fully inform you of any charges and regulations applicable to your order.

Those situated within Eire please visit cpconline.ie.
Q: How long will my saved baskets be stored?
A: We'll store your saved baskets indefinitely as long as they've been accessed in the past 12 months. Baskets that have not been accessed in the past 12 months will be deleted automatically.
Q: What is the latest I can place my order for the same day despatch?
A:To get the same day despatch, orders must placed before 6pm, please do note however that we reserve the right to delay despatch for a number of reasons, including to perform any necessary credit or anti-fraud checks or procedures so please try to order as much in advance of the cutoff as possible
Q: How do I open a trade account?
A: See the Trade Account section for more information.
Q: I have no credit card, can I still buy from CPC?
A: Yes, email us at sales@cpc.co.uk to open a trade account or find out other payment methods that would suit you.
Q: Can I pay my account balance online?
A: Unfortunately there is currently no method for you to settle your account online. We are looking into this facility for future use.
Q: Can I order if I am on credit hold?
A: Yes. If you are on credit hold for being over your account “credit limit”, you can still place orders using a credit card. If you are on credit hold due to a “being on stop” (old invoices that are overdue), you must contact the credit control department on 03447 880000