Legislation and Environmental Compliance
The RoHS statuses displayed on our web pages refer to the 2011/65/EU European Union Directive on the Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances and amendment (EU) 2015/863 which adds 4 substances to 2011/65/EU as of July 22, 2019. All of our RoHS data is based upon on information provided by our suppliers.
RoHS Compliant
The product does NOT contain the substances restricted by the RoHS legislation at levels over the maximum concentration values.
RoHS Compliant by Exemption
The product qualifies for one of the specific exemptions set out in the Annex III to the Directive.
Not RoHS Compliant
The product contains the substances restricted by the RoHS legislation at levels over the maximum concentration values.
Not Applicable
The product is outside of the scope of the RoHS legislation and would not be reasonably used as a component in an in-scope electrical and electronic equipment (EEE).
To Be Advised
We do not have enough information from our suppliers to confidently confirm their RoHS compliance status. Customers that wish to purchase a RoHS compliant version of any product that is not designated as RoHS compliant YES or YesX should contact Live Technical Support or check available alternatives on our web site as we may be able to provide a suitable product from our extensive range.
The REACH Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) statuses displayed on our web pages refer to the (EC) 1907/2006 European Union Regulation concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals. All of our REACH data is based upon on information provided by our suppliers.
No SVHC (SVHC version date)
The product does NOT contain any SVHCs on the specified SVHC version list at levels over the maximum concentration values.
SVHC name
The product does contain the specified SVHC(s) at levels over the maximum concentration values.
To Be Advised
We do not have enough information from our suppliers to confidently confirm their SVHC status. Customers that wish to know the SVHC status of any product that is currently designated as To Be Advised should contact Live Technical Support.
Product Compliance Certificates
Both the RoHS and REACH statuses are available on a downloadable Product Compliance certificate from our website for register customers. The certificate icon and download link can be found under the Legislation and Environmental section of the Product Detail page.

Learn more about RoHS compliance and other legislation that affects the electronics industry.
Product Information
- Technical support: productinfo@cpc.co.uk
This service is for Account holders and Customers only and due to the often complex nature of enquiries it would be appreciated if you could log this via our online form.
- Email technical support: productinfo@cpc.co.uk
- Call our sales team: 03447 880088

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- An exact alternative is functionally identical (same form, fit and function).
- An upgrade alternative is a product that has been improved by the same manufacturer.
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